Sunday, March 16, 2014

免烤豆腐輕乳酪蛋糕 Tofu Cheesecake

March 16,2014

最近忙上班聚會箍牙,基本上啥也吃不了想吃也吃不下。 在老鄉生日的時候接觸了這個蛋糕真的算是一發不可收拾。 其實很早以前就在cooking with the dog看過做法, 當時覺得這得是個什麼樣的味道。 一直不敢嘗試就是怕自己不愛吃,還好有老鄉的生日當藉口品嘗了一下Jtown很受歡迎的蛋糕。 再回去翻出video一看, 家裡的材料都齊全,只需要買盒plain yogurt。

第一顆其實是按照微博上看來的食譜。和cooking with the dog 食譜對比一下,其實大同小異,就是微博上的食譜是double的量。這次做的是按照cooking with the dog的量,給我的小模具剛剛好~ 而且味道更清爽一切per肥!

This is probably the easiest, most convenient, hassle free, oven free cheesecake you can make in 10 minutes (excluding chilling time). Tofu Cheesecake, whenever I tell someone I made a tofu cheesecake, their expression is usually mixed with confusion and something else... just like when I first heard of tofu cheesecake, they don't seem like the matching type. It taste nothing like tofu!!! in fact, you can't even taste the tofu, I think it's purpose is lighten up the cake so us womenfolk would feel less guilty when stuffing down the deliciousness of the cake (and the amount of sugar, calories and fat that came with it).


Graham Crackers                                   60g
Unsalted Butter                                      30g
Light Cream Cheese                             100g (Room temperature!!!)
*For the mixture to come out silken and smooth, it's best to use room temperature cream cheese
Silken Tofu                                          100g
Plain Yogurt                                        100g
*Depending on how sweet you like, you have permission to use sweeten yogurt like vanilla flavour
Whipping Cream                                  50ml
Sugar                                                   50g
Gelatin Powder                                    1pouch
Hot water                                             50g


1: Melted butter in microwave, and mix with the cracker crumbs, then spread in a cake pan with removable bottom (put in fridge to chill)
2: In a blender, pour in whipping cream, plain yogurt, silken tofu, room temp cream cheese, sugar (in this order)
3: blend until smooth
4: mix hot water and gelatin powder quickly until dissolved and pour into the blender and blend everything really well
5: pour the mixture into the cake pan and put in the fridge for 4 hours.

-The End-

1 comment:

  1. 尊敬的部落格主人,您好



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