Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pineapple Ice Cream 菠蘿冰淇淋

Tuestday, 18 December

Its been a while since the last time Im on this blog.





完全自己做的哦, 因為做蛋糕剩下的罐頭菠蘿,已經打發卻用不完的奶油,和牛奶, 只要這些材料就可以做出好吃的冰淇淋哦。

這款冰淇淋我覺得很清爽, 因為罐頭裏面有菠蘿汁,所以我把牛奶的份量減半加入菠蘿汁,所以做的會更加清爽哦。

每次去超市都想買冰淇淋, 但是份量實在太大,價格也實在太不公道。 所以上網搜索,沒想到做冰淇淋這麼簡單!

分享給大家哦。 (下次分享如何做不失敗的蛋糕!連我這個烘培初學者都成功了! 也是經歷過幾十個失敗的成品到今天的不敗呢!)

-Thank you-


  1. yuan~~ thank you for dropping by my blog! i'm so happy and relieved that somebody (other than myself) actually visits my blog, so thank you thank you!! :D

    btw i probably should have told you this earlier, not to sound stalkerish but i've been an ardent follower of your blog for quite some time. in fact just this morning i was marveling over your beautiful food pictures and amazing recipes. so jelly of your culinary skills!

    anyways i'm doing well, just finished my last school term and finally get to relax a bit haha. how have you been? it's a shame we barely talked since second year. if you're in TO we should catch up some time! and impart me some of your amazing skills! :P

    1. haha..and i thought im the only one reading my blog.

      congratulations~ im ok, looking for jobs now~ i finished school in august. time sure flies fast! we are both graduated now.Im in toronto all the time now, when you are back, we can hang out, do you still live around bamburgh circle?
